PLU Codes

PLU or Price Look Up codes have been used by supermarkets since 1990 to make check-out and inventory control easier, faster and more accurate.  PLU codes are used to identify bulk produce (and related items). They distinguish between over 600 produce items.  The International Federation for Produce Standards (IFPS) is the global organization that assigns ​PLU codes to produce items.

PLU codes are 4 or 5 digit numbers and will appear on a sticker applied to the individual piece of fresh produce.  The PLU number identifies produce items based upon various attributes which can include the commodity, variety, growing methodology (e.g. organic), and the size.  These numbers ​are assigned by the IFPS after rigorous review at both national and international levels.  PLU codes ensure that the accurate price is paid by consumers by removing the need for cashiers to identify the product and whether or not it is conventionally or organically grown.   

Since there is a limited, reserved range of numbers available for assignment of harmonized IFPS PLU codes, the codes used must be those listed in the database and designated as Retailer Assigned they cannot be randomly chosen.  Unassigned PLU codes are reserved for use by the IFPS Board in the assignment of new numbers. 

The PLU coding system is voluntary, not mandate by any governing body.  There are currently over 1400 PLU codes issued for fresh produce and produce related items. 

Standardized Universal Product Codes (UPCs) for fresh fruits and vegetables are also available on a subscription basis through the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) website.  

Watermelon PLUs include the following:

Red Seeded Watermelon

Red Seedless Watermelon
Fresh Cut/Half Watermelon
* Stop & Shop

Yellow Seeded Watermelon

Yellow Seedless Watermelon
Orange Seedless Watermelon
Mickey Lee/Sugar Babe
Mini Seedless Watermelon UPC codes
Yellow Mini Seedless Watermelon

The series of PLU codes available for retailer assignment range from 4342 to 4376. They can be used to distinguish a specialty watermelon, a unique size or cut melons.

 UPC Codes

These are UPC codes established for watermelon so far. All are for use with generic watermelon manufacturer #033383: 

Red Flesh Seedless Watermelon

Yellow Seedless Watermelon

Orange Flesh Seedless Watermelon

Mini Yellow Seedless Watermelon – 2 ct mesh bag

Red Flesh Seeded Watermelon

Organic – Mini Seedless Watermelon – 1 ct mesh bag
Mini Seedless Watermelon
Mini Yellow Seedless Watermelon
Mini Seedless 2-count boxes 
Mini Orange Seedless Watermelon


Starting in 2020, new generic Universal Product Codes will not be issued for produce in the U.S. and Canada, with company-specific codes taking their place. Current generic UPCs for fresh produce will not be affected for now. Should you be interested in applying for your own UPC code and manufacturer number or for more information, visit https://www.ifpsglobal.comFor further information or questions regarding PLU codes, please email [email protected]